Certificate of Assessment
We are pleased to advise that
Nadia Cloete
Has successfully completed the module:
Paediatric Excellence
Module Two:
Unit 1: The Spinal Adjustment of the Child
With Dr Glenn Maginness
Date January 16, 2024
Australian and New Zealand Chiropractors
This program has previously been assessed by the Chiropractors’ Association of Australia (National) Ltd, an approved assessing body of the Chiropractic Board of Australia, and allocated 15 Formal Learning Activity Hours.
South African Chiropractors
This program has been assessed by The Allied Health Professions Council of South Africa and allocated 15 CUE’s.
Alberta Chiropractors
This program has been assessed by College of Chiropractors of Alberta and allocated 15 CUE’s.
Ref: 3851