Extended Access -Unit 07: Neurological Examination of the Toddler

As promised, this month we will be going through an essential aspect of chiropractic paediatric practice – the neurological examination of the older child. We also take an in depth look into the management of ear infections in practice, and the essential role you can play. There is a great discussion in the research section, as well as lots more videos, case studies, as well as numerous documents you can download to help you along your paediatric journey.

What’s coming up next month?

Next month we will be going through the Spinal Examination of the toddler and older child. This is really when the ‘rubber hits the road’. This unit will detail those procedures that you will perform a hundred… perhaps a thousand times in a year as you examine the many toddlers and older children that present to your practice. There is a really thought provoking discussion in the research section with again loads of videos, more case studies, and some awesome questions answered in the FAQ’s.

So much great stuff on the way…this really is the program that ‘keeps on giving!

Help us out please!

Our sole focus when creating this program has been to create better chiropractors, by empowering you with the knowledge and confidence to enter the profession with paediatric certainty. So that you can hit the ground running with your paediatric management on your very first day in practice.

With this in mind, can we please ask you to do us a favour? We would like to get to all of those chiropractic students who don’t know about our program.

If you know of a friend or colleague who you feel may benefit from this program, please tell them about Paeds 101. If they do sign up as a result of your recommendation, we will give you your last month free! Just email us with the student’s name, and we will do the rest!

Thanks guys. 


Course Information

Enrol Now

An Insight into Paediatric Research

Bonus Content

Paediatric Case Studies


Learning Objectives