As promised last month, in this month’s unit we comprehensively cover off the Paediatric Red Flags and those paediatric conditions not to be missed in practice. There are many paediatric red flags that we discuss, with downloadable documents to aid with your learning. There is a real life case study of an infant who presented to our practice exhibiting potential red flags, and the subsequent management of the child.
There is loads of essential information, so the unit is content heavy, but one that is not to be missed. This unit will give you the confidence and certainty to safely manage and adjust infants and children.
What’s coming up next month?
Next month, we discuss in detail the Neurological and Orthopaedic examination of the infant. There are numerous demonstration videos that will take you step by step through the examination process. This is really where the ‘rubber hits the road’ with your management of infants and children. Your confidence and skill with infants will grow exponentially as you work through next months unit. Something to get excited about.
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An Insight into Paediatric Research
Introduction & A Discussion On The Management Of Colic And Dr. Heiner Beidermann Audio
Lesson 1 of 2 within section An Insight into Paediatric Research.
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A Discussion On The Management Of Colic And Dr. Heiner Beidermann Audio References PDF
A Discussion On The Management Of Colic And Dr. Heiner Beidermann Audio References PDF
Lesson 2 of 2 within section An Insight into Paediatric Research.
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Paediatric Essentials
Paediatric Red Flags Video
Lesson 1 of 4 within section Paediatric Essentials.
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Paediatric Red Flags Audio
Lesson 2 of 4 within section Paediatric Essentials.
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Paediatric Red Flags PDF Notes
Open Paediatric Red Flags PDF Notes
Lesson 3 of 4 within section Paediatric Essentials.
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Paediatric Red Flags Notes
Open Paediatric Red Flags Note
Lesson 4 of 4 within section Paediatric Essentials.
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Paediatric Case Studies
Lesson 1 of 1 within section Paediatric Case Studies.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Lesson 1 of 1 within section Frequently Asked Questions.
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Bonus Content
Lesson 1 of 2 within section Bonus Content.
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E-Book ‘Developing Paediatric Referral Networks With Medical Practitioners And Other Health Professionals’
Developing Paediatric Referral Networks With Medical Practitioners And Other Health Professionals
Lesson 2 of 2 within section Bonus Content.
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Learning Objectives
Paediatric Red Flags Learning Objectives
Open Paediatric Red Flags Learning Objectives
Lesson 1 of 1 within section Learning Objectives.
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